Motivating Factors

Success You Can Believe In

Leaders Must First Be Authentic Men

Life is a journey. As with most journeys there are good times, as well as hard times. Over the last several years, my journey has been to become a better leader. After all, you can’t teach what you don’t live. Recently, I met a new friend who introduced me to Men’s Fraternity, an organization that teaches The Quest for Authentic Manhood. As I am nearing the completion of the course, I realized that to be a leader a man must first become an authentic man. Thinking that I was already a man, I entered the course to see if I could glean some wisdom to share with my clients. However, I soon learned that I was not the authentic man God designed me to be.

At the start of the course, Dr. Lewis concludes that men are confused today. This is primarily due to three events in our society.
1) The first is the industrial revolution. Prior to this time, men were at home working alongside and mentoring their sons. After the industrial revolution, fathers were at work during the best part of their day. Only leaving the remnants for their families.
2) The second occurrence was World War II. War is a terrible affair and to make it through, men became detached. To avoid the pain of losing friends, they became friendless. They withdrew from any close bond with other men. Unfortunately, many men remained detached from relationships when they came home.
3) The third event was the women’s movement. Although women are equal in every way, there are specific roles under God’s design. Today we see popular media reversing those roles so men really don’t know who they are nor do they know how to be authentic men.

The game plan to regain authentic manhood is straightforward. The first session involves healing old wounds. Next is realizing what God desires a real man to be. Jesus being the example. Next is learning how to interact with family and friends according to God’s word. Most men are never taught these truths by their fathers or mentors. Most men truly don’t know how to be an authentic men. Once we do know, we need to take the final step. Quit being passive and assume the responsibility of being a leader. Be the initiator, take action, be the one serving rather than the one being served.

John Maxwell, my mentor from afar, often speaks of the fact that you can’t become a leader outside the home until you become a leader inside the home. Leadership and becoming an Authentic Man are really the same quest but the training ground for leadership is in the home.

In my life, I have made many mistakes when it comes to leadership. One thing I do is that I claim the forgiveness that is in Christ and I press on. So if you’ve fallen short, or don’t even know what an authentic man is supposed to be, I strongly recommend enrolling in Men’s Fraternity and going through The Quest for Authentic Manhood. If you’re a follower of John Maxwell’s Leadership, apply those same principles at home. It isn’t easy; it’s hard!  But it is our honorable duty to God as a man. We will reap rewards today and forever.

May 21, 2009 - Posted by | Leadership | , ,


  1. Praise God, I to have gone thru all of Men’s Fraternity courses and found them to be such a blessing we sponsor his programs to churches were men can find all about what we were never told. We also are using two of the programs in the state corrections facality here in RI. God Bless you in your leadership. Your in Christ J.P.Mentus

    Comment by John P.Mentus | August 14, 2009 | Reply

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